Benjamin Fortuna

June 20, 2024
Potting mix – to buy or not to buy?
Most gardeners who have at least some pot
plants on the go

Hey Kids! Are you feeling the cold?
Why not try a delicious and warming
comfort food like baked beans on

Chicken/Sausages with potatoes, onion and rosemary
This recipe started out with pork sausages
but I only had chicken thighs in fridge! So
that’s what I used. Feel free to go with the

Black duck rescue
I guess it wouldn’t be winter unless I had
to take the plunge into the ice cold waters of
one of our rivers, a dam or a creek.

Harriman Point works completed
Waranga Basin’s Harriman Point has reopened following the completion of boat

Library upgrade a big success
With its modern facilities and pleasant
reading spaces the refurbished Rushworth

Exploring the beginning of irrigation in the Goulburn Valley
At the recent meeting of the Murchison
Historical Society John Dainton from

June 6, 2024

May 23, 2024