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Library upgrade a big success

With its modern facilities and pleasant reading spaces the refurbished Rushworth library promises to become a popular community hub, attracting new registrations and significantly increasing book loans. Already the new facility has welcomed 53 new members and seen a 25% increase in loans.

The local playgroup ensures the old Waranga Shire Council Chambers have been put to good use!

In addition to the upgraded surroundings, the newly fostered interest in books has been helped by the friendly welcome from librarian Renee George who has been with the library since 2021.

Renee George

Renee, whose connection with the local community has deep roots, (her great- grandmother was born at Whroo!), grew up in Kyabram before moving to Echuca. She loves the small community vibe of the local Rushworth library and is especially excited about her new surroundings and the events it accommodates, such as visiting author sessions.

Renee showed off the various spaces available for community use, including a computer hub, a children’s nook (perfect for monthly story time) and a meeting room. The welcoming atmosphere and frequent events have certainly made the library a vibrant space for all ages.