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Wartime crash near Waranga Basin

The photograph (above) was taken by Ken McInnis, who operated a radio shop next door to Norm Mill’s garage, Tatura, where the photograph was taken.

The photograph shows the fuselage of a large aeroplane on a low loader parked on the street near Mill’s Garage, on the corner of Hogan and Ross Streets, Tatura, on 26 April 1943. It created great interest as this was wartime with much secrecy, suspicion and rumour.

A local youth at the time, Bernie Maher, recalls having climbed over the plane and that later, during transit to Tocumwal via the causeway, progress was halted by bridge railings. Before Council workers could arrive to remove the railing, the Yanks had cut the railings down and were no-where to be seen.

Records sourced by Chris George show the Lockheed Hudson Bomber A16 228 was flying from Point Cook to Tocumwal and crashed after engine failure near Waranga Basin. It never flew again and was converted to components. Chris has also sourced the Record Card used by the RAAF.

Tatura Museum would love to hear from anyone who has any recollections or photographs of this event. Email the museum on: [email protected].

The photo and information that has been received has been uploaded to Lost Tatura on Facebook.